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Staying ahead: Infrastructure NSW publishes the 2022 State Infrastructure Strategy

Infrastructure NSW has today released the State Infrastructure Strategy 2022-2044: Staying Ahead, outlining the State’s infrastructure needs and priorities for the next 20 years.

The Strategy calls on the NSW Government to continue investment in infrastructure but with a more diversified infrastructure investment pipeline that balances megaprojects with small and medium sized projects. This approach will deliver greater public value and improve access to essential services for more communities across NSW.

Government should also strengthen its expanded asset base to ensure service reliability by embedding resilience in new and existing infrastructure. This includes proactive risk assessment, programs of preventative maintenance, asset hardening and deeper use of digital technology. With a large program of future investment needs, working effectively with the private sector is vital, requiring co-investment as well as cooperation in delivery of projects.

Actions should also be undertaken to support the diversification of water supply in both metropolitan and regional areas, as well as supporting the orderly transition to net zero through the long-term implementation of the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.

The State Infrastructure Strategy is Infrastructure NSW’s independent expert advice to the NSW Government, every five years under the Infrastructure NSW Act 2011.

The strategy identifies nine long-term objectives for the NSW Government:

  • boost economy-wide productivity and competitiveness
  • service growing communities
  • embed reliability and resilience
  • achieve an orderly and efficient net zero transition
  • enhance long-term water security
  • protect our natural endowments
  • harness the power of data and digital technology
  • integrate infrastructure, land use and services
  • design the investment program to endure.

The State Infrastructure Strategy makes 57 recommendations for the NSW Government’s consideration, with a further 45 sub-recommendations.

It has been developed with extensive consultation across Government, including with Transport for NSW and the Greater Cities Commission in order to ensure alignment with their transport and metropolitan plans.

The Strategy is available online here.